Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ned the elephant

Ned the elephant has just been rescued by the USDA. It's only the second time the USDA has ever done that. He's currently at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee where he will be recuperating from his mistreatment. They have a wish list of needs that can be found by pasting the following URL into your browser:



Unknown said...

Yes, may Ned's life be long and happy. He landed in the best place to get well. I hope the "trainer" (torturer) is somehow brought to justice. He should be put away for a nice long time, and nowhere near an animal of any kind for the rest of his life.

BCP said...

Hi Ned,

just saw your You Tube video.. touches my heart and brought tears to know that you are going to be all right... I do hope you are improving and will have a long happy life...in your new home. I hope your new home will let us know how you are doing at times... I watch Djuma Game Reserve and Pete's Pond... the elephants there are free and wild... I am sorry that you had to be captured and be controlled by certain people..now though not free in the wild, will be free from abusive people... hang in there, Ned..

Voyager said...

I just cried when I read about Ned and saw his history. Shame on the "caretakers" and owners who allowed him to get into such a condition and still inhumanely forced him to perform.
And shame, too, on the USDA for not inspecting circuses enough, and allowing this to go on.
And finally, those of you who continue to pay to go to circuses where elephants perform, you are guilty too. DON'T GO TO CIRCUSES!
Stop the Abuse!
~Dave B.