Sunday, October 07, 2007

Laying down on the job

Robin and I spent our sixth anniversary today laying down once again to help form the words IMPEACH and 4PEACE on the grass in Berkeley with 1000 other people for the benefit of cameramen in helicopters. It was a glorious day on a hill full of kites. It felt a bit like Pepper Land, give or take getting rid of a few Blue Meanies. We were joined by Cindy Sheehan and former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinny, shown here with Robin.


Barry said...

Sometimes laying down is the best way to stand up for a cause. Congratulations.

MariBy said...

Hey...great blog :) (Actually how could a blog featuring dogs not be great?)

Anonymous said...

Hello, If you want to make big $$$ with your blog, check out this website:

Mike Kelly said...

Well done
really like your blog


Gaurav said...

Hey, Nice Blog. Keep it up.

Gaurav Negi

KT and Easton said...

Hi, I too really like your blog. Great sense of humor, especially focused on the dogs. My blog is not advertised, but it is about my dogs. Would like to use a cartoon or two to lighten the tone (with your permission).


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