Saturday, November 05, 2011

Sad day in Tennessee

Tarra the elephant at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee just lost her best friend Bella, the dog. It looks like the work of coyotes. It appears that Tarra picked up her lifeless body and carried it back to the sanctuary headquarters. A while back when Bella was ill and cooped up in the office for two weeks Tarra stood nearby at the fence and refused to go anywhere without her buddy.

In addition to all the pro bono cartooning I've done for the sanctuary over the years whenever there was a problem, I was thrilled and honored a few years ago when Carol Buckley, the founder, commissioned me to do a special color illustration of Tarra and Bella together. Though I never got to meet them in person I've always felt a special bond with this devoted pair.

1 comment:

NancyB said...

Brian, I have immensely enjoyed the cartoons that you have done throughout the years for TES. The joyful ones radiate that and the sorrowful ones hit just the right note. You are very talented and I am so glad that you continue to follow the girls. Personally, it has been a very sad yr and half since Carol was displaced. To me TES does not feel like the same place since the Coup d'etat. (just my personal opinion) Thanks again for your cartoons about the beloved elephants. They mean a lot to so many of us!