Monday, November 19, 2007

Beware the Talibank

We watched a documentary last night called MAXED OUT. It is must viewing. Who needs wacky terrorists crawling around in caves in Afganistan when you have an entire banking industry preying on the most vulnerable among us, including college students, to suck the very blood out of them via their wallets?


A said...

best picture ever!

Nada said...

You do have a point her. A very important one, indeed. Most people do not actually realise that banks are the real terrorists.

tannnngerine said...

haha... this is funny. banks rob me all the time

Oberon said...

......i watched maxed out months ago and was glad to see the message is finally getting out there.....corporate rule of washington is the real problem.....if you want to know more.....go to and read bill moyers "culture of corruption"'s's the address....

VioLotus said...

that rox ! not only because of your concept, but also because showing Been Ladeen without his fuzzy beard and in a formal suit is very unusual :D

Karl said...


Satanic Angel said...

i second cartoon ever!

Asithi said...

The part of "maxed out" that bothered me the most is when they told the story of the college kids that killed themselves for maxing out their credit card. It is so sad that they feel that they have no way out at such a young age! My little sister is in her freshman year in college and I am keeping an eye on her.

Parabellum Ben said...

Indeed--perhaps this is something we should all keep in mind during this primary season. Doesn't matter if you're Republican, Democrat, or Intelligent. . . um, I mean, Independent. There are candidates on both sides of the aisle who are clearly passionate about fighting against the political-financial vampires who have their fangs in the neck of this country. . . just a thought.